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1. main floor.

(the manor)

  1. The kitchen.

  2. The conservatory.

  3. The library.

  4. The dining room.

  5. The ballroom.

  6. The lounge.

2. off limits.

(the manor)

  1. Sir Reginald's bedroom.

  2. The attic.

  3. The forbidden wing.

  4. Sir Reginald's study.

  5. The strange room full of taxidermied animals.

  6. The boarded-up bedroom only accessible by dumb waiter.

3. grounds.

(the manor)

  1. The tennis court.

  2. The hedge maze.

  3. The dock.

  4. The greenhouses.

  5. The final resting place of Sir Reginald's late wife.

  6. The gardener's shack.

5. the woods.
  1. The stone well that seems impossibly deep.

  2. The old church to a forgotten god.

  3. The circle of standing stones.

  4. The clearing with a giant statue of an owl in it.

  5. The crystal clear pond with a skeleton at the bottom.

  6. he secret graveyard with several empty graves.

4. sub-level.

(the manor)

  1. The wine cellar.

  2. The staff quarters.

  3. The catacombs that were here before the manor.

  4. The garage.

  5. The hidden panic room stocked with food.

  6. The empty room with no discernable use.

6. the mainland.

  1. The ferry to the island.

  2. The nearest pub to the port.

  3. The seedy hotel barely better than the streets.

  4. The village church.

  5. The abandoned car by the side of the road.

  6. An internet chat room.

Murder on the Isle of Bone - An unofficial FIASCO Playset

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